For those filing tax returns as a family, there is a lot more involved in the process. From deductions to dependents, a lot of facts have to be considered so as to get the job done accurately. Contrary to your expectation, rarely does the IRS provide concrete data specifically tailored for family tax returns. This makes it even more complicated to file your taxes as a family unit. Whether or not one uses tax tools such as TurboTax, family tax returns slightly differ from the rest. However, this does not have to be the case. Below are tips that will go a long way in enabling your family to get the most out of your tax returns.
Firstly, always remember that huge events have the most impact. In the case of a family, the most common huge events include birth and marriage. For birth, the records will add another dependent to your family setup. Consequently, you will receive credit hence increasing your refunds. On the other hand, marriage has the opposite effect on your refunds. Though not a requirement, the newlyweds are obligated to file jointly. Either way, the IRS will take into consideration taxing two people now instead of the previous one.
The issue of who a dependent is also plays a significant role in determining how to file your returns as a family. The majority assume dependents are strictly children in the family. However, this is not always the case. So as to qualify as a dependent, children have to be direct decedents, step-children or the most obvious, blood-related to the family. In some very rare cases, relatives could also qualify as dependents so long as they are family through marriage, uncles, aunts or parents. The goal of this exemption is so as to give space to situations whereby the dependent is solely under the responsibility of the couple of individual. Therefore, the dependent has to solely rely on the individual so as to be claimed. If a child goes through emancipation, he or she automatically gets disqualified as a dependent. As a family, it is important to consider all these before filing your returns since dependents have a major bearing on the whole process.
Other deductions to consider as a family include property taxes. In the case of a home purchase, mortgage deductions should come into play but property taxes will still be included. Same applies to all big changes in your life, be it a huge purchase, birth or marriage. Make sure to research on the detailed changes before filing the returns.